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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Dolphin Ziggler
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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by JJJohnson Thu 06 Aug 2020, 9:49 pm

Bout 1
6CW Championship
Marshall Murdoch (c) vs Jackson Jackson
Special Referee: Clarke James

Bout 2
Karl Kramer vs The Wolf Gang

Bout 3
Liam Wood vs Uryu Ishida

Main Event
Lumberjack Match
Jimmy Phillips vs Perfect Jack
Lumberjacks: Team Frost & Team Lawless


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by TwisT Fri 07 Aug 2020, 10:15 am

"O Fortuna" plays and King Karl Kramer comes out on the stage flanked by his uncle. He his wearing his robe and holds his sceptre leisurely against his shoulder. He also wears the massive jewelled ring on his finger that he used to great effect with his finisher. He looks supremely confident as the two men walk down to the ring. Karl enters it first and gives the robe to his uncle. He then places the sceptre in the corner and retrieves a microphone.

KK: Clarke James.....while you was busy pandering to your two f*cking boyfriends, I was stood here telling the world exactly why you are nowhere near my f*cking equal. And guess what, I proved it. You suffered the same fate of the guy I destroyed the week before, and he has done another f*cking Houdini act. So why don't you follow his example eh? No one cares if you are in Marshal's or Jackson's bed this week, so you can stop with the kiss-and-tell interviews. You three are f*cking pathetic, a stain on 6CW and the reason why the King will be next 6CW World Heavyweight champion.

He nods his head to emphasis his point.

KK: So enjoy choosing which guy you want win. We already know that there is only one person in that f*cking ring you care about and soon the whole world will know the same. I know exactly what you are doing James. My uncle saw through it a long time ago. But at Beachfront Brawl it will have no effect. I am walking away as champion and there is nothing you, Jackson or Murdoch can do about it.

He turns to his uncle who smiles, before turning his attention back to the camera.

KK: So let's talk about the next match that has been set up for me......

He paces the ring.

KK: Anybody else would be crying right now. A handicap match weeks before the King takes the title as well as throne. But you know what, I'm not concerned. The Wolf Gang need to understand the match will be one of two things.....

He stares at the camera.

KK: Null and void, or a training exercise.

He takes a deep breath and holds his stare.

KK: I have seen what you have done. It has been f*cking impressive. But trying to take me down because some b*tch says so doesn't make good business. I don't see facing you three as a handicap.....I see it as a f*cking challenge. One that I can add to my list of challenges I have successfully completed. You want safety in numbers.....well I know the Kramer Klan has more brains and brawn then you can ever f*cking get together. And the only way you can match that is to wise up and not make things difficult for yourselves.

He smirks.

KK: Don't take this as a sign of disrespect. A King needs to sometimes put his subjects in their place. You have your battle and I have mine, and the two don't mix. You want to make me one of a long line of enemies, then so be it. But before you do realise that I don't play nice for Jessica, I don't play nice for Frost and I certainly won't play f*cking nice for three guys searching for a higher power but ending up on a suicidal trip. Bend the knee and realise who that higher power is right now. Don't bend the knee and well.......I might just have to involve myself in things you would rather I left well alone.

He drops the mic to the side and walks over to the corner. He lifts up the sceptre and starts swinging it like a baseball bat a few times, as Charles Kramer looks on.


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Fri 07 Aug 2020, 4:23 pm

Sandwitches by Tyler the Creator plays and out walks Drake, alone, not with Ojore nor Reborn. He steps onto the stage and speaks without looking to the ring

D: That's a lot of talk for a man who can barely walk. From a man who just to Tyler Roth. Tyler Roth! He's basically a paid extra

*As he laughs, he looks into the ring and is shocked

D: Wait a minute, you're not Marty Helms. But the way of talking, the extra swearing, the anger - I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. First you wanted us to care about you using Charles Kramer. Charles Kramer! And when that failed, surprisingly, somehow, we were all shocked that people haven't really invested in a Kramer mystery series, you've turned to a King of the Ring gimmick?

*Drake puts his arms out to the side, gesturing a wtf?

D: And now you're Marty Helms. Bad-ass. Just a bad guy doing bad things with bad words and a bad attitude.

Luckily for you, we refuse to be a pawn of some power figure's fancy. Whatever you wanna be, we don't care. We have things to do, we have a mission, we do not care about you or her or anything else so trivial.

*He stops to fully glare at Kramer now

D: But your time will come. We have not forgotten your constant little jibes at us brothers of colour. For some, just being called a racist should be the punishment for racism. For us, we will be the punishers and you will say our names, and you will say their names, until you either atone or you perish.

*Drake drops the mic and shouts "statement read" before walking away

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by TwisT Sun 09 Aug 2020, 3:04 pm

Karl glares at Drake.

KK: That's all you going to say? And who the f*ck is Marty Helms?

Drake stops and turns. Kramer just shakes his head in annoyance.

KK: No, no no.....if you want to f*cking turn your back on me and walk off then you make sure you keep on walking. Otherwise you will find yourself not f*cking far enough away from my fist going into your crack pot skull.

Karl exits the ring and walks up the aisle to Drake. Charles Kramer tries to pull him back but Karl is having none of it. He strides right up to Drake and eyeballs him.

KK: Seems you have a real f*cking problem separating real life with fiction but I'm not surprised with the f*cking company you keep. You want to talk to me about little jibes? Well I have had a f*cking life full. But unlike you, and everyone connected to you, I don't hide behind my little gang and think you can talk to me like that. F*cking fancy statements might get a laugh and a pat on the back from your backstage brethren. But all it really shows is you f*cking can't be your own man and tell it to someone straight.

Kramer grits his teeth.

KK: If you or anybody else has a problem with me, then don't hide behind a f*cking script. You come out and say it. Because right now, I don't give a f*ck about you or any of your brothers, whatever colour they are. You want to extract punishment? Well then be prepared to be dropped in an instant. Because I know you and the rest of your f*cking playmates just haven't the balls to say what you really want to say. So you can read all the statements you want my friend......the f*cking oxygen coming out your mouth and others like you hasn't been worth a moments thought for a long time.....

He goes nose to nose with Drake.

KK: Here is a f*cking statement for you.......I'm not going anywhere. And I don't care whether you are happy or disgusted at that. Your words, your f*cking opinions and your entire life means nothing to me. You want to make this a bigger thing than f*cking shows and PPVs, then be my guest. But my focus is being the next 6CW Heavyweight champion.....

He makes sure Drake has his full attention.

KK: .....and everything else not connected to that f*cking goal

He playfully slaps Drake on the cheek 3 times before brushing past him. The Kramer Klan take one last look at Drake, and then exit the arena.


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Mon 10 Aug 2020, 6:09 pm

*There is shock from commentators and staff as the camera focuses on the downed man

JT: Folks, this is not part of your show. That man laid down there is Steve, Steve Evans, a sound technician back here for 6CW. As the footage will show you...

*The footage begins to air as JT speaks over it

JT:...Drake leaves the area and the stage, and after a pause, Karl Kramer goes down to the Gorilla area and begins to berate the sound technician, appearing to believe that Steve was in fact Drake of the Wolf Gang.

JR: But that isn't Drake, JT, that's just a member of the 6CW staff.

HE: I can think of one thing they've got in common...

*Cameras cut from the injured employee to footage of Karl and Charles leaving the 6CW arena by car

JT: It appears the pair have now left, but I have to say this is appalling. Henry, that one thing in common is clearly all Karl has seen, which is why Charles was so eager to pull his associate away.

*There are now people helping a shaken Steve to his feet, who is not wildly hurt but clearly shocked by the threat and then the shoulder barge.

JR: I've never seen anything like this, I truly haven't. Karl Kramer has attacked our sound technician here, and I think on the basis purely of his skin colour, or at least his skin colour being the same as Drake's.

HE: It's the by-product, realistically, Karl thought it was Drake. Maybe this isn't just a gimmick...

JT: Management will have to deal with this, not even Miss Jessica can be happy with that behaviour.

*They cut away from the staff in the back as they check on Mr Evans.

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by gazzyD Wed 12 Aug 2020, 9:20 am

We open scene in an empty arena, the camera pans around at empty seats as ‘No Less Violent’ starts to play and Jimmy Phillips makes his way out to the stage and down to the ring area. He is wearing his trademark red short sleeve hooded jersey and sweat pants

Phillips reaches the timekeeper area and grabs a microphone before rolling in the ring and taps the microphone to ensure its working as his music breaks

JP: So…..last week wasn’t the best week for Team Lawless. It seems we may have underestimated our Beachfront Brawl opponents. I mean who knew the old timers, the washed up hacks Dicey Reilly and Perfect Jack had that in them. I certainly didn’t. But you know….fair play. Then later that night when we tried to get the jump on the Helms and y’all on Team Frost rallied around him, you know again….fair play. I was almost impressed.

But don’t get used to me paying you compliments boys. That’s where they begin and end.

In a way I’m almost glad that you can put last week in the win column. Y’all proved that maybe you’re not the bunch of losers I thought you were after all. You know, now I won’t feel as guilty when we kick your ass at Beachfront Brawl and kill this joke of a revolution that Cillian Frost has put together once and for all

Phillips paces the ring searching for his next words

JP: Next week, in this very ring I’ve just been informed its going to be yours truly, The Talent Jimmy Phillips one on one with Perfect Jack. Now, Perfect Jack was once an apt name but here in 2020 I think washed up Jack, or retire already Jack would be a more fitting name. Luckily I have the opportunity to remind you just how out of your depth you are these days.

You know, it was a really cute speech you gave last week, I could see how you almost believed the words you were saying yourself, and as I’ve said for that one night it looked to have paid off. You banded together and came away with an insignificant victory in the larger war that is still to come. Luckily for me, with lumberjack rules in play and all your little Team Frost buddies in your corner at ringside, they’ll get to watch as I beat you down and as I do your speech will become more and more insignificant as they watch their wannabe leader be beaten down by The Talent, the genetic blueprint, the premiere athlete in this industry

And I wish I could say it wasn’t personal, it so is, at least to me anyways. You see I have a vested interest in making sure at the end of all this that Team Lawless are the ones leaving Beachfront Brawl victorious. You know how long I’ve waited to be given a half decent opportunity in this company, constantly being overlooked and thrown into throw away multi man matches that nobody pays any attention to. Miss Jessica is the first person to see what I have to offer and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let her down and allow Frost to take over the company and relegate me to the bottom rung of the ladder as he pushes his favourite has-beens like Dicey Reilly and Perfect Jack

So I implore everybody to tune in and watch, as I beat down one of your heroes. I will show you all how much this means to me when I plant Jack in the middle of this ring with a Touchdown, when I take his head off with a Game Changer and when I pin his shoulders to the mat 1……2…….3

I want you all to get use to the image you see when I am standing over his broken body with my arm raised by the official. This will be what you can come to expect as a common recurrence because the Talent is the future of 6CW and believe me the future has never *Phillips flexes his triceps* looked so good

Phillips drops the microphone and goes to exit the ring


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed 12 Aug 2020, 5:18 pm

Uryu is seen walking backstage when Jeff Thadeus bumps into him from around a corner.

JT+ UI: Sorry about that, you ok?

JT: Uryu!

UI: Jeff! hows Steve doing?

JT: He's a bit shook up but hes getting checked out. I wanted to chat to you anyway, why did you attack Liam last week?

UI: He fired the first shot two weeks ago by attacking me in the ring and declaring his intent for my UK Championship. This was me simply saying bring it on!

JT: Alright, what about him leaving the ring last week to deal with Drake to leave you two on one?

UI: You think I havent been in that situation before? Come on Jeff you know me, You have seen what I have been through. Hell I applaud Liam dealing with Drake and getting Ojore to KO himself but it was always going to be tough to win. Liam is a tough guy and so am I so theres no issue regarding that.

JT: What about your match this week, any words for Liam?

Uryu pauses for a few seconds, thinking as he adjusts his UK Championship on his shoulder.

UI: Liam Wood, what can I say that you have not already heard me say? You've probably gone online, watched matches and interviews and think that you understand who and what I am. Theres one thing you haven't done though, the one thing you should do but the only thing you will not do and it is the most important thing. You have not asked how my opponents have felt after a match with me. Why would you? You think you can bulldoze through everything. You may even think I am not worth your time and the only thing of note is my UK Championship and thats just sad.

Uryu cracks his knuckles and pats the UK Championship.

UI: If you want this, I want you to come and try and take it from me. I promise you that from the first punch you recieve to the last kick I give you will learn why I am the UK Champion and why I am not some old man you can look in the mirror at!

JT: What about The Wolf Gang what do you...

Uryu turns around as Jeff is looking over Uryu's shoulder.

UI: Well, what brings you here?

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by x12x Thu 13 Aug 2020, 2:47 am

Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts through the speakers as Liam Wood walks out on to the stage with a determined look on his face. Wood takes his time getting to the ring before taking a mic from a stage hand and climbing inside. Wood pauses for a little bit before finally speaking, turning his attention to the man he is set to face on the next episode of Proving Grounds Uryu Ishida

So Uryu...last week you attacked me and you act like I'm the bad guy in all of this?! How dumb are you? From the very start I told you that you weren't needed and you weren't wanted. I made it as clear as possible but it seems like the only way you could have got the hint, is if I drew a diagram in crayon.

You see, you want to play the victim, you want to act like the underdog and act like everyone is against you but you brought this on yourself when you tried to make a team out of the two of us.

I don't need you, I never did and I never will.

Wood pauses for a moment pacing the ring as he does

This week you get what you wished for though...a chance to prove yourself in this battle that YOU invented for yourself. You see, you gave your little interview about this situation and you made it out to be something that it's not and by doing that, you've put yourself somewhere that you really don't want to be.

You pushed and pushed and pushed, you kept going when I told you to stop and now you have my attention and it's reminded me that I haven't held gold in this company in a while.

Wood smirks as he looks at his empty shoulder before nodding to himself

You see, that belt that you call your own used to belong to me before this company shut down and the more you got in my business the more I began to notice it...notice that it was over the shoulder of someone who didn't deserve it.

I warned you Uryu...I warned you and you chose not to listen...I told you to stay out of my way and because you didn't, it's lead us to this. It's lead us to you thinking that you have something to prove against me.

Wood's tone takes a more serious tone

All this is going to prove is that you have something that doesn't belong to you and that you are out of your see, you claim that I think you're an old man, that you're out of touch and that you can't make it but you see, I've never said any of that stuff about you.

That is what people call projection, it's the projection of their insecurities and it manifests itself in people and makes them act out, it makes them do stupid things and it's exactly why you've made this personal between us.

YOU have something to prove but you've chosen the wrong person to prove it against...

...this week you'll realise that.

Wood lowers the mic and looks around the area, a confident look on his face

JR: Liam Wood means business as he looks to go one on one with the 6CW UK Champion in a few days time

HE: He's an idiot, he's made an enemy of the only person who was willing to stand by his side going up against the Wolf Gang...not that him and Uryu could survive that anyway.


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu 13 Aug 2020, 6:59 pm

Uryu walks out on stage, pacing back and forth as he eyes are locked on Liam Wood.

UI: That made for interesting listening Liam. Lets face it, you are not simply the guy who would walk up to me and say "hey, give me a shot" you are a guy who wants to make a statement and you did just that by giving me a World Eater after my last defence. All I did was respond in a way you would understand.

You are possibly right about something though. I do think of myself as an underdog quite a bit. It's how every champion I have faced has looked at me. It's how the majority of opponents I have faced has looked at me, full of confidence and swagger saying that they will put me down in a few minutes and then move on. Well I still say I am the underdog because it gives me a very interesting mindset. Being an underdog means I are always punching up, it means I cannot become lax at any point and it means I am holding myself to the mark of going one hundred and ten percent against every opponent I face! I do not ever consider anyone in 6CW to be a joke or a failure and any one of them is worthy of taking home championships! I consider everyone a worthy challenger based on skill alone and yeah because I hold gold it means I am everyones target so you should know that from being a champion yourself you complete prick! EVERYONE IS AFTER YOU!!

JR: Uryu showing us a passionate argument here.

HE: More like desperation, Wood will eat him alive.

UI: I am here as champion because I have won it and defended it successfully. I want to always go up against the absolute best and thats why all those weeks ago I challenged Jackson Jackson, thats why I accepted the rematch from James McManus and the challenges from The Wolf Gang and thats why I'm out here right now because I want to fight one of the best former champions in this company and probably the best person ever to have held this title! I want to face the best to prove that the person holding this title can be called one of the best in this company! Am I the best? I have no Frak idea because everyone who wants it from me seems to think they are. I am willing to fight them every single week just to answer the question! It could be you, Robin Reborn, hell I wouldn't be surprised if Rasta shows up to fight me because I say to them the exact thing I say to you. BRING IT ON!

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by x12x Fri 14 Aug 2020, 7:01 am

Wood looks at Uryu on the stage and shakes his head, his eyes locked on his future opponent as he speaks

You just don't get it do aren't the underdog, you aren't the just feel sorry for yourself. You feel sorry about the fact that I put you down and then left you to deal with your own problems when you were trying to make 'this' a thing.

I told you time and time again that it was never going to happen and you ignored me, you pushed and pushed and when you didn't get what you want, you threw a strop. You see it's weird, here I was thinking that you were some sort of veteran of the game but it turns out you have the mentality of a teenager whose throwing his toys out of the pram.

Wood smirks before speaking again

So paint me as the bad guys and try and get sympathy but now you have my attention and you brought it on yourself. You are a cliché full of project this on to me and attempt to act like I'm not going to take you seriously...

...honestly, I think when you look in the mirror, you can't take yourself seriously.

Wood pauses for a moment before ending his quick reply to Uryu

You label yourself as an underdog because you think it makes you look like a hero, it makes you look like a brave man who is going against the odds and trying to overcome the impossible time and time again...

...but you aren't the hero...

...You're a borderline skitzo who gets obsessed with one wrestler after were obsessed with Max Adamson, you were obsessed with Robin Reborn and now you seem to be obsessed with me. You've done everything you can to make yourself the victim despite being told multiple times that I wanted nothing to do with you...yet still you continued.

Wood's tone becomes more serious

...and here you are, once again trying to gaslight me and the fans watching at home. You claim that you only attacked me because it's the only thing I understand despite the fact I've been trying to get it through your thick skull that I wanted you to leave me alone and that I never needed your help. You attacked me but yet YOU'RE the victim?

Tell me again how you're the good guy in all of this Uryu?

Wood lowers the mic, motioning for Uryu to explain himself


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by Uryu Ishida Sat 15 Aug 2020, 8:55 pm

Uryu calmly walks to the ring, pausing a few times to think before rolling into the ring and smiling.

UI: You want me to leave you alone? after you just said I am holding something I do not deserve? You want me to leave you alone after saying i'm out of my depth? No, right now you just got all of my attention. Right now you just proved my point, I have to punch up because in your mind you are looking down at me. Right now that seems to be the only thing you can do. Try to take out those seemingly below you. You are not the first and are most definately not the last to see me beneath them.

Uryu stands in front of Liam Wood, smiling and chuckling to himself.

UI: Maybe one day you will understand that pride and ego need to be put aside for the greater good to be achieved. The Wolf Gang are not good for 6CW, we both know this. In most other situations I wouldn't have even considered asking for your help. I woulda kept toughing it out as best I could but even i'm not stupid enough to blunder blindly forward in those odds. So I asked once, you said no, you got jumped three on one, thrown off the stage and then the next show hit me with a World Eater. I suppose it's because I asked and not the real reason which is to hide your failure at stopping The Wolf Gang by yourself. You deflect and distract from your failure to deal with them yourself that the only other guy fighting them is now in the crosshairs! Well here is a reality check Liam, we are both losing this and they are winning! You want them gone just as much as I do but going through me to get to them is the stupidest idea you've ever had!

Uryu shakes his head, mumbling to himself.

UI: You also want to know what makes me the good guy in this situation. Well thats easy, I've been in the hole that you are in. I know the way out. See you later Liam.

Uryu walks back up the ramp and backstage, leaving Liam confused in the ring.

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday 16th August 2020

Post by Perfect Jack Sat 15 Aug 2020, 11:51 pm

Perfect Jack is walking backstage when approached by Christy James.

CJ: Perfect Jack a moment of your time please?

PJ: Alright.

CJ: This weeks Proving Grounds main event is a lumberjack match between yourself and Jimmy Philips, with members of each side acting as the lumberjacks. Can I get some thoughts on this please?

PJ: There's a simple strategy to this match Christy. Stay in the ring at all costs because if you find yourself outside at any time, you know those Team Lawless cowards will be over you in a heartbeat and the match can turn in an instant.

CJ: Do you hope your Team Frost allies will have your back?

PJ: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say yes, I've said it countless times before, we need to leave our ego's at the door, put whatever personal grievances we have against each other aside and fight side by side for the good and future of 6CW. Many have came and gone who've tried to take over this company and destroy it and here it stands today, built on the backs of many a good men and women. I'll say this now, I won't let 6CW die.

CJ: Thank you for your time.

Perfect Jack walks off.

Perfect Jack

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