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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by BigGee Mon 01 Nov 2021, 9:06 am

Scotland v Australia
Sunday 7th November 2021
BT Murrayfield Stadium

KO 14.15
Love on Amazon Prime

Well the warm up with Tonga is done and dusted and now the big boys are coming to town. Australia don't quite have the aura of NZ or SA but undoubtedly undergoing a bit of a renaissance under their new coaching team, which, just to add some spice to the occasion, consists largely of ex Glasgow and Scotland coaches Dave Rennie, Matt Taylor and Petrus du Plessis . DR was a bit of a mixed bag at Glasgow and left with maybe the feeling that he could and should have achieved a bit more but to say he is anything other than a rugby coach at the very top of the game would not do him justice. He will know the Scottish players very well and just what they can bring to the party.

Unfortunately for him, they have had to leave 3 of their best players behind, who have choosen club over country but he will add some top European based Auusie's to his squad such as Skelton and Rory Arnold, it is hard to see how they won't improve the team.

Scotland will also get their absent players back and we can expect to see our strongest team out for this fixture. A few of the kids put their hands up in the Tonga game but this is more likely to be a game for the older hands with more changes likely to come in the subsequent games. I would imagaine a team something along these lines:

1. Sutherland - if fit, he pulled out of last weeks game
2. Turner
3. Fagerson Z
4. Gilchrist
5. Skinner
6. Ritchie
7. Watson
8. Fagerson M
9. Price
10. Russell
11. VDM - looked back in his best form this weekend
12. Johnson
13. Harris
14. Steyn
15. Hogg


Hodgson - probably shaded Sykes on last weeks game
Richardson - Toonie curveball!


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by RDW Mon 01 Nov 2021, 9:24 am

Thanks Biggee.

To say I'm looking forward to this game is a massive understatement! Since moving to Sydney early last year I've pretty much watched all of Super rugby and every Wallabies game. During this time Australia rugby has gone from being in the doldrums to now heading to the northern tour with big scalps in mind.

Saying that, losing Cooper, Kerevi (the form 12 in World rugby right now) and Koroibete (one of the best wingers in the world) are absolutely hammer blows for them, particular Kerevi. I wouldn't pick their replacements in a Scotland 23 personally

Part of my excitement is seeing how these two teams will go head to head, as they're very similar in their rugby DNA. Both teams are naturally attack minded with electric players but have added real grit to their forward packs and defence. Where Australia has the edge IMO is they can bring a level of physicality in the front and backrows that I think we don't quite match.

Australia have also gone through a similar period of evolution that Scotland did a couple of years ago. Last year Australia were playing really exciting rugby but not winning enough, and were not consistent. They've reigned things in a bit this season and are  now winning. I'm sure Rennie learnt a lot from watching Scotland's WC failure then post-world cup epiphanies.

If Australian had the trio I mentioned at the start I think they'd be favourites - without them it's too close to call.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by funnyExiledScot Mon 01 Nov 2021, 10:19 am

Agree with that team BigGee, albeit slightly on the fence over Hodgson vs Skinner. I'd be tempted to switch them around. I would also expect Kinghorn to bench, given the additional versatility he offers. Loosehead is also tough to call, can easily see Schoeman coming in to start if Sutherland doesn't make it.

Should be a cracker, looking forward to it.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by jimbopip Mon 01 Nov 2021, 11:02 am

Love on Amazon Shocked Is this a subscription channel for discerning gentlemen, Gee?
After Saturday's performance I think it'll be tough to call this one.

1. Sutherland - if fit, he pulled out of last weeks game It all depends on why he dropped out of his club match: was he injured injured, or had he a slight niggle and decided to rest it rather than risk it.
2. Turner Apart from the first throw, was solid. I thought that Rambo took too many balls on on his own and was isolated in the tackle. Not enough to get turned over but enough for slow ball. This happened with other forwards too, so maybe it was a consequence of the pack as a whole being tired rather than Rambo (sic) being out of synch.
3. Fagerson Z He'll start, because he's the best we have. Still not convinced by Ok at TH. At anthems he had a smear of blood on his upper cheek. I thought he had been engaged in some 1970's French pack psychotic build up, but his performance when he came on made me realise he had probably just been practising eating with a fork again.
4. Gilchrist probably a better bet than BigBad. God I feel dirty for having typed that.
5. Skinner Hodgson did enough to stay in the team for me.
6. Ritchie Obvs
7. Watson See Fagerson Z
8. Fagerson M As Flounder said The Criminal Element have a very physical back row. DR loved to stress brutality at the breakdown; Haining would possibly be better here.
9. Price See Mbawza
10. Russell See Price
11. VDM - looked back in his best form this weekend
12. Johnson
13. Harris Shona was very good. Like Shug, he has an outside break, runs great lines, but distributes better than Shug. Like Shug, is a much better attacker than Harris. Harris is one of the best defending 13's in the world.
14. Steyn Did he really do enough to keep the jersey?
15. Hogg See Dancer


Hodgson - probably shaded Sykes on last weeks game
Richardson - Toonie curveball!
Hastings I would keep Thompson, who really looked like a 10 when he came on. I'm still sceptical about Blarehorn.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by RDW Mon 01 Nov 2021, 11:49 am

I wonder if we'll see a 6/2 bench split again given Hamish will probably only last 50 minutes at most. It does leave us massively compromised in the backs though should anything go wrong. Problem is I don't see M Fagerson or Haining being 80 minute players either.

I think it's best to keep a traditional bench split especially given both hookers can play 80 minutes and also cover backrow.

I can also see a Toony surprise in picking Kinghorn over Hastings!


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by BigGee Mon 01 Nov 2021, 11:53 am

I can't see Blairhorn and Hastings benching both cover the same positions FH/FB and Hastings may be a better bet at both!

Hastings on the bench gjves the chsnce of a bit oc Russell/Hastings Finsanity if we need it and also allows an out and out finisher like Mclean to come on towards the end.

Our backs are generally pretty dtrong, ehoever pkays weakness is at lock and No.8


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Hazel Sapling Mon 01 Nov 2021, 12:21 pm

Wouldn't mind a 6:2 split but that would probably favour Kinghorn on the bench to cover wing because if Johnson were to be crocked 20 minutes in we would have to play Russell at 12 or put Hogg on the wing, Steyn to 13 and Harris to 12.

Think we will see a normal 5-3 split. Skinner can move to BS if Watson and M Fagerson have to come off leaving us with a choice of Haining or Richardson.

Relatively happy with the side picked by BG, not sure what else we can choose to do. Skinner is relatively soon back from injury so maybe Hodgson comes in to play the 80? Other than that, Schoeman on the bench ahead of Bhatti.

Hazel Sapling

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by jimbopip Mon 01 Nov 2021, 12:46 pm

Here's the thing; Haircut covers 10/12/15. We have seen Dancer-Haircut at 10-12. He covered 15 well at Glasgow. I have him ahead of Blarehorn there.
Titman is the form winger for in Scotland this season. he can play 11/14/15. His form is better than Blarehorn.
Thompson is a better 10 than Blarehorn. This may chabge in the course of time. If Thompson regresses at a rate of knots and Blarehorn makes quantum leaps in his development.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Tramptastic Mon 01 Nov 2021, 12:53 pm

Its difficult to judge blairhorn on that performance though. I think the experiment of playing him at 10 is worth persisting with but not at international level. Let him get a good chunk more time for edinburgh at 10 then pick him for scotland when he's playing consistently well.

His attacking play was good but he had some shocking moments in defense like.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by TheMildlyFranticLlama Mon 01 Nov 2021, 12:55 pm

Hastings has been playing some good rugby down in Gloucester, and kicking well from the tee. I'd definitely have him on the bench with McLean. RT has plenty of time on his side, and I'd love to keep up ur strong form against the Ozzies so I'd go with Hastings' experience and McLean's insanely good form!


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by TheMildlyFranticLlama Mon 01 Nov 2021, 12:59 pm

Tramptastic wrote:Its difficult to judge blairhorn on that performance though. I think the experiment of playing him at 10 is worth persisting with but not at international level. Let him get a good chunk more time for edinburgh at 10 then pick him for scotland when he's playing consistently well.

His attacking play was good but he had some shocking moments in defense like.

Also, this. In the first half the Tongans, and no disrespect to them having had a scratch team and 4 days preparation it's entirely understandable and wholly unfair on them, were playing at below club standard in terms of their defensive organisation. The mantra is normally that at international level you have far less time on the ball, well that wasn't true for BK's first 40. He had the armchair ride of all armchair rides and space to exploit all over the shop. And to be fair he played pretty well, but he needs to work on his game a lot to be considered an option at 10 in a game like this weekends. He may get there, but others are way ahead of him right now


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Anglobraveheart Mon 01 Nov 2021, 8:44 pm

[quote="jimbopip"]Love on Amazon Shocked Is this a subscription channel for discerning gentlemen, Gee?  
Like that Big Gee, very funny.

I would like to see:
Shoeman Turner Fagerson (Sutherland McInally Kebble)
Gilchrist Hodgson (Skinner)
Ritchie Watson Fagerson (Darge if fit or Haining)
Price (Dobie)
Russell (Hastings)
Hogg (Graham)

Rationale being:
Sutherland to come on when the game opens up.
Skinner ditto (for Gilchrist or Watson, with Ritchie to 7)
The backs for experience, reward and flexibility.

I think that we should save Thompdon and McLean for Japan.
I also think that Toonie could yet call up Ritchie Gray, who I think would be a great mentor for Hodgson.

Like RDW, I am really looking forward to this game.

BTW I think that McLean is the real deal, and will be a Lion in 4 years time. He was electric on Saturday.

I also think that Kinghorn needs to demonstrate consistency before he is opened up to tests against top 3 sides.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by RDW Tue 02 Nov 2021, 11:02 am

🔄 Scotland squad update 🔄

Nick Auterac, Javan Sebastien and Robin Hislop return to the squad following their involvement in the summer. Scott Cummings comes in but remains unavailable for selection.

Rory Sutherland & Rory Darge step out this week due to injury.

Shame on the injured players but we've got them covered


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by BigGee Tue 02 Nov 2021, 11:15 am

Well that should mean Schoeman to start on sunday, with Bhatti on the bench. Auterac and/or Hislop may get a crack further down the line.

It is not immediately obvious why he has brought another TH into the squad, unless someone is also carrying an injury. Sebastian has not even been playing for Scarlets from what I have seen.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Oakdene Tue 02 Nov 2021, 11:19 am

BigGee wrote:Well that should mean Schoeman to start on sunday, with Bhatti on the bench. Auterac and/or Hislop may get a crack further down the line.

It is not immediately obvious why he has brought another TH into the squad, unless someone is also carrying an injury. Sebastian has not even been playing for Scarlets from what I have seen.

Correct, he has only one appearance off the bench for us so far.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by EST Tue 02 Nov 2021, 12:12 pm

BigGee wrote:Well that should mean Schoeman to start on sunday, with Bhatti on the bench. Auterac and/or Hislop may get a crack further down the line.

It is not immediately obvious why he has brought another TH into the squad, unless someone is also carrying an injury. Sebastian has not even been playing for Scarlets from what I have seen.

Yes, Schoe to start with Bhatti as an able deputy on the bench - i've never been a massive Jamie Bhatti fan, but he has been extremely solid since coming back to Glasgow.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Hazel Sapling Tue 02 Nov 2021, 12:43 pm

Bhatti has been good for Glasgow and shouldn't let us down. To give credit to Hislop though, he has been playing really well for Wasps and may be their starter at the moment. Certainly not the end of the world to have him and Bhatti fight it out for that 3rd LH spot.

Strange on Sebastian considering Rae has played quite a bit for Bath and not done badly. McCallum has been doing well at Glasgow as well. Maybe it is a precursor to him moving to Edinburgh again next year (who could do with an SQ TH)?

Hazel Sapling

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by jimbopip Tue 02 Nov 2021, 1:00 pm

Maybe looking at OK moving back to cover LH?
I see Matt Scott 12 is the poster boy on their FB page today. So could be starting.
It's interesting how we focus on the downside, without realising it sometimes. So at 13 would we keep Shona who looks a real prospect? Or bring Seaman into13 and have Duhan on the wing?
OR bring in the British Lion that is Chris Harris.
The Tombola could be overheating even as we speak.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by EST Tue 02 Nov 2021, 1:15 pm

jimbopip wrote:Maybe looking at OK moving back to cover LH?
I see Matt Scott 12 is the poster boy on their FB page today. So could be starting.
It's interesting how we focus on the downside, without realising it sometimes.  So at 13 would we keep Shona who looks a real prospect? Or bring Seaman into13 and have Duhan on the wing?
OR bring in the British Lion that is Chris Harris.
The Tombola could be overheating even as we speak.

Have long though that's his best position - very quick for a 13, a rock in defence, runs brilliant lines and can carry over the gainline.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Hazel Sapling Tue 02 Nov 2021, 1:32 pm

I think Harris will keep his spot. Shona had a poor game against Leinster and they were his first real test against a T1 international-like opponent. With Russell at 10, we have enough creativity to make up for Harris' lack of flair.

I guess with OK, it will depend on how Toonie views it. Would he rather drop two of Hislop, Bhatti or Schoeman and have McCallum or Sebastian on the bench or keep two of the LH's?

Hazel Sapling

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Anglobraveheart Tue 02 Nov 2021, 1:58 pm

I think it will be a Johnson Harris Centre pairing, Scott has never seemed to light Toonie's candle, and we then have the option to bring Steyn or Hogg into the centre if needed.
Hastings to 12 if required.
Hastings or Graham to Full back if required.
Graham to the wing if required.
Decent flexibility there.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by EST Tue 02 Nov 2021, 2:29 pm

Just for clarity, I think the Johnson/Harris combo is almost a cast-iron guarantee to play on the weekend, just that in general terms I prefer Steyn in the midfield.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by George Carlin Tue 02 Nov 2021, 4:02 pm

It's interesting to test one's emotional reaction to what the team might be.

Gut reaction:
- Johnson/Harris is absolutely the best midfield that we have and we'd be nuts to change it.
- Everyone feels like they should pick Steyn but everyone is secretly more excited about McLean.
- Bhatti Boy, Rambo and Kebble is about the best replacement front row we've had in a while. I'm not particularly panicky about any of them which is rare when looking at a Scotland bench. How has McInally actually been playing? I haven't seen him for ages.
- Gilchrist. I just need to stop wincing when I see his name, don't I? It's all historical prejudice, right?
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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Anglobraveheart Tue 02 Nov 2021, 4:05 pm

My preference would be Redpath Jones, but one injured and one out of favour means it's not happening any time soon!

Russell Dunbar Jones was my real dream 10/12/13 axis.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by George Carlin Tue 02 Nov 2021, 4:08 pm

Love the quote that 6 out of 10 Scotland tries were scored by our Saffers! Very Happy
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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Tramptastic Tue 02 Nov 2021, 4:15 pm

Anglobraveheart wrote:My preference would be Redpath Jones, but one injured and one out of favour means it's not happening any time soon!

Russell Dunbar Jones was my real dream 10/12/13 axis.

That midfield was amazing, Dunbar more than made up for Jones positional deficiencies in defense which allowed both to shine


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by George Carlin Tue 02 Nov 2021, 4:17 pm

Nice article on this too with some great pictures of Sione with Granny Anne:
The Aussies wrote:Tuipulotu’s grandmother his biggest fan after picking Scotland over Australia
By Tom Decent
November 2, 2021 — 8.00pm

If Sione Tuipulotu runs out against the Wallabies at Murrayfield on the weekend, there’ll be a proud grandmother in Melbourne with a thick Scottish accent cheering him on in the middle of the night.

Tuipulotu is the former Junior Wallaby and Melbourne Rebels representative who has now pledged his allegiance to Scotland, having made his Test debut on the weekend against Tonga, the country of his father’s birth.

The 24-year-old grew up in Victoria and dreamed of playing for the Wallabies but could have qualified for another three countries. Tuipulotu’s father, Fohe, is Tongan, while his mother, Angelina, was born to Scottish and Italian parents who built a new life in Frankston, in Melbourne’s south-east.

Tuipulotu’s maternal grandmother, Jaqueline ‘Anne’ Thomson, hasn’t been an avid rugby fan in years gone by but ever since her son took up a professional contact in Glasgow – a 40-minute drive from Greenock where she was born – the outspoken 75-year-old is now infatuated with the game they play in heaven.

Thomson was particularly chuffed that commentators had given her a mention during the weekend’s Test coverage as her grandson took the field at outside-centre on debut in Scotland’s 60-14 win.

“She got up and watched it,” Fohe Tuipulotu told the Herald. “She was probably the proudest person, more than us. She knows Sione is representing her. All the people there were talking about her constantly during the game. She liked hearing that. She’s becoming quite the rugby fan at the moment.

“She’s still got a very thick Scottish accent. She’s a proud grandmother and since Sione has gone to Scotland she is trying to watch every game. She is always ringing us to find out everything about the games.

“It was a very special day. We knew he qualified for them but it was never in our mind and probably even his [to play for Scotland]. He grew up here and played junior rugby here and did well in the Australian pathways. We’re proud of his journey.”

In an interview with RugbyPass earlier this year, Tuipulotu opened up on his Scottish grandmother’s influence.

“Everyone thinks we got the worst hidings from our Tongan side, but it was actually from our grandma,” Tuipulotu told RugbyPass. “When she’s angry, she’s angry. She’s got a bit of a reputation at family gatherings. She has still got her full accent and stands out in our family as a bit of a cult figure.”

Fohe Tuipulotu never missed his son’s matches, driving “miles and miles in my red car” to rugby fields across Victoria.

He worked two jobs – unloading containers in a warehouse, as well as setting up a security company where he worked the door at nightclubs – in a bid to give his son the best chance of a professional career.

“I made a decision that I was going to find a way that I could still earn a living but give an opportunity with my time to be free whenever he travels with rugby,” Tuipulotu snr said. “My whole goal was to support him to get him to his dream. I think he knew what he wanted to do from 12 years of age. He did say at the time he wanted to play for Australia.”

Tuipulotu was the Rebels’ first locally bred player to graduate to Super Rugby, having played three years of Australian U20s. He faced Scotland in a match in 2016.

After 11 appearances for the Rebels from 2016 to 2019, Tuipulotu left for a stint in Japan before the Scottish Rugby Union asked if he’d be interested to pledge his allegiance.

“He’s a quality guy and player,” said Rebels chief executive Baden Stephenson. “He was someone who had great ability and potential. He had a couple of injuries and he was sitting behind [Reece] Hodge, Billy Meakes and Tom English. There was no doubt he was going to have a long professional career.

“At the end of 2019 the bright lights of Japan came calling. He left on good terms. Everyone in the community and club was really proud of him and it’s great to see him earn international representation.”

Tuipulotu is no guarantee to play against the Wallabies this Sunday (Monday AEDT) but his father knows how big a deal it would be for him to earn another Test cap.

“It will be massive for him to play against Australia,” Tuipulotu snr said. “He’s saying he’d love to play against Australia in that game. It’s going to be a tough call for the coaches. If he ends up playing it will be massive for him and us.”

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by bsando Tue 02 Nov 2021, 7:17 pm

First of all, GC I hope you're doing well. Sorry to hear about your recent scary moment but very glad to hear you're getting looked after. It was lovely to read so many warm messages from others on here. Get well soon pal!

Considering Australia are coming into this match with some continuity in selection and they're on a five game wining streak it's surely going to be reverting back to a more conservative selection with one or two changes from the side that beat France.

Stuart Hogg (capt); Darcy Graham, Chris Harris, Sam Johnson, Duhan van der Merwe; Finn Russell, Ali Price; Pierre Schoeman, George Turner, Zander Fagerson, Sam Skinner, Grant Gilchrist, Jamie Ritchie, Hamish Watson, Matt Fagerson.

Replacements: 16 Stuart McInally, 17 Jamie Bhatti, 18 Oli Kebble, 19 Jamie Hodgson, 20 Nick Haining, 21 G Horne, 22 Adam Hastings, 23 Kyle Steyn

Although Australia will want an open game I actually think Scotland won't. The way Scotland play now relies on their defence being dominant and suffocating. Allowing Australia to open things up will only weaken Scotland's massively improved defence.

It feels like there are Wallaby spies covering all aspects of Scotland's coaching team. Dave Rennie and Petrus Du Plessis obviously but more so Matt Taylor who was Toonies righthand man. Surely even some of the Wallaby players will have been coached by Tandy during his time at Warratahs and will therefore have vital knowledge of the Scottish defence. How much any of this impacts on the end result is impossible to know.

My money is on the Wallabies winning this one I'm afraid.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Old Man Tue 02 Nov 2021, 7:56 pm

Wallabies without Kerevi and Cooper, who both made a huge difference when they came into the squad to play SA after three losses to NZ.

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by jimbopip Tue 02 Nov 2021, 8:44 pm

We seem to be swinging from Ally McLoud optimism to Private Fraser gloom.
Reality check.
Tonga conceeded as many points as they have been doing recently.
We managed not to shoot our feet off.
No one had a mare.
GC failed to die, much to his doctor's dismay. ( too soon?)
We shall be bolstered by the return of three British Lions who all earned glowing reviews.
At 13 we can choose from ; Shona, Seaman or Harris. I can see arguments for each of them. Honestly, I'd be happy with any.
Dancer at 10.
Aldi at 9.
When did we last have two Lions at half back?
After Johnson we're a bit light at 12. Will Haining be having tutorials from Richie Vernon?
ADHD, Titman, Seaman, Blarehorn and Duhan...when did we last have five wingers of that standard.
If the pack get us parity we can win this. Our front and back rows are not going to be bullied... but we are short of first choice locks.
If Grant Gilchrist puts his angry pants on on Sunday and batters Will Skelton every time he looks at a ruck then we win.
If GG puts on his cosy matching Squirrel Nutkin flannelette vest and pants set ( standard Luvvie issue) then we're Friar Tucked.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by George Carlin Wed 03 Nov 2021, 4:36 am

jimbopip wrote:We seem to be swinging from Ally McLoud optimism to Private Fraser gloom.
Reality check.
Tonga conceeded as many points as they have been doing recently.
We managed not to shoot our feet off.
No one had a mare.
GC failed to die, much to his doctor's dismay. ( too soon?)
We shall be bolstered by the return of three British Lions who all earned glowing reviews.
At 13 we can choose from ; Shona, Seaman or Harris. I can see arguments for each of them. Honestly, I'd be happy with any.
Dancer at 10.
Aldi at 9.
When did we last have two Lions at half back?
After Johnson we're a bit light at 12. Will Haining be having tutorials from Richie Vernon?
ADHD, Titman, Seaman, Blarehorn and Duhan...when did we last have five wingers of that standard.
If the pack get us parity we can win this. Our front and back rows are not going to be bullied... but we are short of first choice locks.
If Grant Gilchrist puts his angry pants on on Sunday and batters Will Skelton every time he looks at a ruck then we win.
If GG puts on his cosy matching Squirrel Nutkin flannelette vest and pants set ( standard Luvvie issue) then we're Friar Tucked.
Nope. Laugh
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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Mad for Chelsea Wed 03 Nov 2021, 2:10 pm

There seems to be a worrying amount of consensus over Scotlan's starting XV, and indeed most of the bench. But this is Toonie, remember, so surely we should expect at least one completely random selection. Kinghorn at 10 with Russell at 12?

In all seriousness, I do wonder if he'll keep the 6/2 bench split again. Toonie seems to quite like that split, and is also quite a fan of Haining. Playing a 6/2 split would allow him to have both Haining and Darge/Richardson in there.

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by BigGee Wed 03 Nov 2021, 3:01 pm

Rufus Mclean doing media today.

Surely he will be in the squad!


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by jimbopip Wed 03 Nov 2021, 3:26 pm

Mad For, Darge has been released from the squad...injured.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by tigertattie Wed 03 Nov 2021, 11:47 pm

jimbopip wrote:Mad For, Darge has been released from the squad...injured.

And I’ve been released from the squad…… pish.

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by George Carlin Wed 03 Nov 2021, 11:56 pm

BigGee wrote:Rufus Mclean doing media today.

Surely he will be in the squad!
He could well bench which wouldn’t make a lot of sense as other players cover more positions. Then again, if we’re 2 tries down and chasing the game in the last quarter, he’s exactly whom you’d want to be coming on.
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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Highland Shaun Thu 04 Nov 2021, 12:14 am

I take it that the team is announced tomorrow Smile?

Not sure how likely this is but I hope Rob Hislop gets in the team, even if it is just a bench spot.

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by BigGee Thu 04 Nov 2021, 9:14 am

Highland Shaun wrote:I take it that the team is announced tomorrow Smile?

Not sure how likely this is but I hope Rob Hislop gets in the team, even if it is just a bench spot.

Friday lunchtime I believe.

Can't see Hislop for this one, but as it is a 6 day turnaround for SA, more likely for then or the Japan match to follow.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by jimbopip Thu 04 Nov 2021, 9:58 am

George Carlin wrote:
BigGee wrote:Rufus Mclean doing media today.

Surely he will be in the squad!
He could well bench which wouldn’t make a lot of sense as other players cover more positions. Then again, if we’re 2 tries down and chasing the game in the last quarter, he’s exactly whom you’d want to be coming on.
Whom! Whom!!
World class grammar from a hospital bed. 
Hope you're feeling better.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by tigertattie Thu 04 Nov 2021, 12:05 pm

Is anyone going to go out on a limb for a result prediction?

Waiting to see the teams first?

There's many a casual fan whom(for Jimbo), having pumped Tonga, think we're going to pump the criminal element also. Simply will not be the case.

There are even some slightly rugby educated people who know that we've beaten Oz in our last two meetings so also think we will pump them. Simply not the case also!

This is not an Oz team to take lightly (not that Gregor and Co will be) but I think some of the hooray henry supporters out there are getting a tad carried away. Maybe I'm just weary as I was unfortunate enough to grow up watching rugby in the 80s and 90s where Oz went something like 15 games against us unbeaten. And we'll not mention that world cup 1/4 final!!!!

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Hazel Sapling Thu 04 Nov 2021, 1:34 pm

Don't know if it was picked up but Scott is playing for Leicester against Bath tomorrow so must have been released.

Australia are going to have some big ball carriers and hitting them behind the gain line may prove crucial to controlling the game. However, our front rows are good at scrum time and Russell is an intimidating attacking fulcrum. As we are at home and Australia's decision making without their 10-12 axis may be suspect, I would have Scotland as 4 point favourites.

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by bsando Thu 04 Nov 2021, 3:14 pm

Cooper did make a big difference when he came in to the fold. Noah Lolesio is still very green but an attacking threat. You’d like to think Russell will have his numbers and be on the hunt for intercepts passes. Could be an exciting match up.

Wallabies have a strong second row whilst Scotland are looking a bit depleted there. Johnny Gray will be missed but Gilchrist and Skinner should be capable enough. Having Cummings back is a boost assuming he’s match fit.

Hooper vs Watson, doesn’t get any better than that. Both incredible players.

It is surely going to be a close one, but the Aussie pack may well make the difference. they have some powerful players up front and Scotland’s defence has to be able to handle them.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by BigGee Thu 04 Nov 2021, 3:18 pm

Hazel Sapling wrote:Don't know if it was picked up but Scott is playing for Leicester against Bath tomorrow so must have been released.

Australia are going to have some big ball carriers and hitting them behind the gain line may prove crucial to controlling the game. However, our front rows are good at scrum time and Russell is an intimidating attacking fulcrum. As we are at home and Australia's decision making without their 10-12 axis may be suspect, I would have Scotland as 4 point favourites.

No Baylis in for Bath, so he is likely still with the squad and likely to make his debut in one of the games, he has looked good everytime I have seen him play. A big fast mobile blind side, who could fit right into the style of the Scotland team.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Hazel Sapling Thu 04 Nov 2021, 3:59 pm

Bayliss has been playing some no.8 for Bath with Faletau injured and Mercer leaving to France.

May be seen as someone who can cover the entire backrow from the bench?

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Anglobraveheart Thu 04 Nov 2021, 4:58 pm

Cummings won't be involved in a playing capacity, as he is still rehabbing his injury.
I think it will be the Japan game at the earliest, if he is to play in the AI's.  
I think it will be a very close, but very entertaining game.


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by RDW Thu 04 Nov 2021, 8:27 pm

Worth saying the Aussie media hasn't been giving the impression that they think this game will be much of a challenge. A lot of the focus has been on the England and Wales games! Standard Aussie mentality. Hopefully the players are thinking that too, but I doubt Rennie will allow that.

I do laugh though that they've been showing all the Aussie tries from our last game in 2017 - completely ignoring the fact that we absolutely horsed them!


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by Old Man Thu 04 Nov 2021, 9:26 pm

The Aussies on the Australian website The Roar aren't as confident as their media, I can tell you.

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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by George Carlin Fri 05 Nov 2021, 12:45 pm

Yes, you'd expect a little bit more media respect if you were playing a team that's beaten you 4 times out of the past 7 occasions. Toonie won't care, though. What's also true is that Rennie's boys deserve to be confident - beating the Boks twice in a row is a great accomplishment for any side.

If their tight 5 don't strangle ours (Jonny Gray missing is huge) and the game stays loose, it's going to be massively entertaining for the neutrals. If Toonie sticks to his usual guys, we're going to have at least 5 Lions in our starting backline. When could we last say that?
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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by demosthenes Fri 05 Nov 2021, 1:06 pm

Teams out :

Scotland team to play Australia in the 2021 Autumn Nations Series
Sunday 7 November – BT Murrayfield – kick-off 2:15pm

15. Stuart Hogg – Exeter Chiefs - (Captain) – 85 caps

14. Darcy Graham – Edinburgh Rugby – 20 caps
13. Chris Harris – Gloucester Rugby – 28 caps
12. Sam Johnson – Glasgow Warriors – 19 caps
11. Duhan van der Merwe – Worcester Warriors – 10 caps

10. Finn Russell – Racing 92 - (Vice-Captain) – 55 caps
9. Ali Price – Glasgow Warriors – 43 caps

8. Matt Fagerson – Glasgow Warriors – 14 caps
7. Hamish Watson – Edinburgh Rugby – 42 caps
6. Jamie Ritchie – Edinburgh Rugby - (Vice-Captain) – 28 caps
5. Grant Gilchrist – Edinburgh Rugby – 45 caps
4. Sam Skinner – Exeter Chiefs – 12 caps
3. Zander Fagerson – Glasgow Warriors – 39 caps
2. George Turner – Glasgow Warriors – 18 caps
1. Pierre Schoeman – Edinburgh Rugby – 1 cap


16. Ewan Ashman – Sale Sharks - Uncapped
17. Jamie Bhatti – Glasgow Warriors – 19 caps
18. Oli Kebble – Glasgow Warriors – 9 caps
19. Jamie Hodgson – Edinburgh Rugby – 1 cap
20. Josh Bayliss – Bath Rugby – Uncapped
21. George Horne – Glasgow Warriors – 14 caps
22. Adam Hastings – Gloucester Rugby – 23 caps
23. Kyle Steyn – Glasgow Warriors – 2 caps


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Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021 Empty Re: Scotland v Australia Sunday 7th November 2021

Post by BigGee Fri 05 Nov 2021, 1:15 pm

Well pretty much the predicted team.

Ashman on the bench is the only real curve ball, are the other two hookers fit?

It will be good to see Bayliss make his debut as well.


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